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C-sections and their growing use in the United States

Birth InjuryNews   August 7, 2016

The rate of Cesarean sections ranges based on the hospital a woman goes to when she’s going to give birth, and if that seems like it shouldn’t be the case, you aren’t the only person who thinks so. In the United States, the most common surgery to be performed are C-sections, even though many of them aren’t even necessary.

Around 1.3 million babies are born every year to mothers who have C-sections. Interestingly, it’s been found that even low-risk mothers have been given C-sections for convenience, something that is slightly alarming. In almost half of the cases where the surgery took place, the babies could actually have been delivered vaginally with no harm coming to the mother or child.

What’s the problem with having a C-section when it isn’t needed? There are many risks that mothers, and their children, face. Infection rates are higher because of the body being opened up to the surgical room. In fact, unnecessary C-sections may account for around 20,000 major surgical complications every year. Things like sepsis and organ injury are possible any time a serious surgery is performed.

Women who are at low-risk for delivering vaginally who have a C-section are three times more likely to die or suffer complications than if they had their child vaginally. Giving birth via C-section also means that you may have to do so in the future as well. If you have a C-section, there is a 90 percent chance of needing one if you have additional children. Your medical team should take the time to discuss these risks ahead of time if a C-section isn’t medically necessary. If you suffer injuries due to one you didn’t need, then that can potentially be a negligence case.

Source: Consumer Reports, “Your Biggest C-Section Risk May Be Your Hospital,” Tara Haelle, accessed Aug. 04, 2016