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Nursing home abuse should be stopped in Ohio

NewsNursing Home Neglect   December 24, 2014

As some Ohio residents get older, it may no longer be conceivable for them to live on their own. As a result, they may be admitted to nursing homes or other assisted living facilities in order to hopefully receive the care and assistance that they need. Regrettably, the care in some of these facilities may be lacking, and residents can become the victims of abuse.

A situation in another state regarding nursing home abused was recently reported. A 93-year-old woman had been a nursing home resident after needing rehabilitation from hip surgery, but her daughter removed her from the facility after suspecting neglect and abuse. The older woman had apparently been left in her own urine and feces, and staff had allowed a bed sore to worsen after going untreated.

The woman also had bruises that were reportedly inflicted by staff members while helping the woman change clothes. The report states that the staff members were allegedly angry after the woman’s family had complained and because the woman often requested help getting to the restroom and getting into bed. The woman’s daughter filed a complaint with the police department, and she has also stated that she intends to file a lawsuit against the facility.

Individuals who are in nursing homes are often in vulnerable situations due to needing assistance. As a result, they may not always be able to protect themselves from abuse to which they may be subjected. These situations are why it is important that such abuse is not tolerated and stopped as soon as possible. Taking legal action against nursing home abuse in Ohio may help protect other individuals from becoming victims.

Source:, “Police investigate alleged elder abuse”, Linda N. Weller, Dec. 23, 2014