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A lawyer’s role when speaking to an insurance adjuster

NewsPersonal Injury   December 15, 2017

The roads can be a dangerous place. In 2016, over 100,000 nonfatal injuries took place on Ohio’s roadways, according to statistics from the Ohio Department of Public Safety.

One of the first things you should do after a motor vehicle crash is to get in touch with your auto insurance provider. However, many drivers worry about whether they need a lawyer present during this conversation. While having an attorney present is always a good idea, there are some circumstances where it would be more prudent.

When speaking to your own insurance adjuster

Following a collision, you should always contact your insurance agency simply to inform them of the incident. You want to stick with the facts during this first conversation. You typically do not need a lawyer at this point. As time goes on, you may receive a phone call from the adjuster requesting more information. This could be a sign the agency is presently seeking a way to deny your claim. It may not, but it can be good to have a lawyer on hand just in case the adjuster begins asking confusing or misleading questions. Even saying something seemingly innocuous could lead to a denial.

When speaking to the other driver’s insurance adjuster

Several days following the incident, you may receive a notification from the other party’s insurance agency. While you need to remain somewhat wary when speaking to your own insurance agent, you need to remain even more cautious when dealing with someone else’s. It is much more recommended to have an attorney on hand during this conversation. This adjuster is more likely to ask you confusing questions in an attempt to deny your claim.

It is also important to remember there is no legal requirement stating you absolutely have to speak to anyone else’s insurance company. You do need to talk to your own, but anyone else is secondary. However, the other insurance company may need a statement from you because the other driver has gone AWOL. You will want to speak to them to expedite the process, but make sure you have your lawyer present.