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As reported by Progressive in their article “When do most car accidents happen?,” there are certain times of the day and year that are the most dangerous when it comes to motor vehicle accidents. “According to the National Safety Council (NSC), the most dangerous time of day to be driving is rush hour between 4 […]

According to the U.S. Department of Justice in their article “Red Flags of Elder Abuse,” there are many different types of abuse elders are particularly vulnerable to, including: physical, emotional, and financial abuse. “Bruises, black eyes, welts, lacerations, or rope marks” are just some of the potential signs of elder abuse (U.S. Department of Justice). […]

As reported by Ohio Capital Journal in their article “More Black babies die in Ohio before their first birthday when compared white babies,” the infant mortality rate for Black babies in the state of Ohio is over twice as high as the rate for their white counterparts, a trend believed to be driven by biases […]

As reported by Investopedia in their article “Things Nursing Homes Are Not Allowed to Do,” navigating the ins and outs of a nursing home and what exactly staff at these facilities are allowed to do can be tricky. “And though there are several federal and state laws that have been designed to protect nursing home […]

As reported by FindLaw in their article “How to Recognize Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect,” an aging population means you need to be even more vigilant when looking for signs of elder neglect and abuse that could be impacting your loved ones in nursing homes and other care facilities. “Still, nursing homes across the country […]

According to the March of Dimes in their article “2023 MARCH OF DIMES REPORT CARD FOR OHIO,” the preterm birth rate for the state of Ohio has continued to increase, a trend since 2021. Understanding the data presented presents a fuller picture of infant and maternal health in the state and country as a whole. […]

According to Forbes in their article “What Is Medical Malpractice? Definition & Examples,” understanding what medical malpractice is and how to spot it can save you and your family trouble down the road. “If a professional healthcare worker provided you with services that were performed without the required level of skill, they can be held […]

As reported by Hometown Stations in their article “Data from Ohio State Highway Patrol reveals top causes of fatal crashes in the last 5 years,” from 2019 to 2023 Ohio saw a total of 5,700 fatal motor vehicle accidents. “[O]ne out of four of the over 5,700 fatal crashes were caused when drivers went off […]