Birth Injury

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Shoulder dystocia occurs during vaginal births when the baby’s shoulders get stuck during a vaginal birth even though the baby is in the normal birthing position (with his or her head facing downward). It’s incredibly dangerous. Both the baby and the mother can die if the baby can’t be freed. It was one of the most common causes of death…

Childbirth is an admittedly difficult process for most women — and it’s easy for a tiny baby to end up injured. How do you tell the difference between simple bruises from the birth and a serious injury? Here are some of the most common symptoms an infant with birth injuries can have: Weakness in one or more limbs or facial…

It’s estimated that birth injuries are fairly common — but not every birth injury is noticed right away. If you’ve recently given birth and you’re worried that your child may be injured because of the difficulties surrounding his or her delivery, there are a few things you need to keep in mind: 1. There are usually early signs that point…

If you’re pregnant, the odds are good that someone has told you a delivery-room horror story or two already. However, the person who really should be giving you the scary details of your potential experience may not even say a word. It’s your doctor. There’s a pervasive idea that women somehow should be shielded from the potential harsh realities of…

If your child suffered a preventable injury with long-lasting consequences during delivery, it’s wise to consider what you’ll need for an effective “life care” plan before filing a lawsuit. Knowing your ultimate goal can make it a lot easier for you and your attorney if you decide to pursue a birth injury lawsuit. You can enter negotiations with that goal…

How high of a risk do you think your unborn child has of suffering a serious birth injury in a modern medical facility? Would you have guessed that your child’s risk of injury is about six out of 1,000? That’s how many children, each year, are injured needlessly during the birthing process. While such injuries may be more common in…

A spinal fluid leak is pretty much just as awful as it sounds. When the spinal fluid surrounding the brain to get too low, it causes a range of symptoms from excruciating head pain and double vision to numbness in the victim’s hands and feet. Some victims constantly feel like they’re going to vomit. Some victims are literally stuck in…

In this modern age, is a mother-to-be taking unnecessary risks by using a midwife when she could be attended to by a doctor instead? If the baby or the mother suffers a birth-related injury due to complications that the midwife can’t handle or mishandles, is that just the risk the mother took? Or, is the midwife liable for her mistakes?…

Are women who select home births with the assistance of midwives being told just how dangerous the practice can be? Or, are they being given a rosy picture of a home birth, which is painted as “more natural” and inherently better for the mother and child? Home births are less likely to result in medical intervention — but those interventions…