Car Accidents

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When traveling through construction zones or other areas on the roadway in which workers are present, it is important to pay particular attention. It is often prudent to slow down in these areas in order to lessen the likelihood of an accident. Unfortunately, not all drivers do their best driving in these areas, and a crash could occur that could…

This is the time of year that we at The Skolnick Weiser Law Firm, LLC recommend that you review your automobile insurance coverage to ensure that you have enough coverage meet your needs. Also, it is important for you when purchasing your automobile insurance to make sure that you have purchased the optional uninsured and underinsured insurance coverage. The Ohio…

Many individuals know that intersections can be dangerous parts of roadways and act at scenes to numerous accidents. When a truck accident occurs at an intersection, authorities may have multiple factors to consider when attempting to determine what may have caused the accident. They may need to look into who may have had the right of way, speed on the…

Maintaining a proper following distance can make a considerable difference in whether a car accident occurs. If a driver follows too closely to another vehicle, a rear-end collision could take place. If one of the vehicles involved in such a situation is a tractor-trailer, the truck accident could result in serious or even fatal injuries to individuals who were involved…

A recent verdict in an out-of-state wrongful death case draws attention to an important safety issues for Ohio drivers: the risk of accidents caused by falling objects. The case in question arose from the death of a man who was killed after his vehicle struck a piece of logging equipment that had come loose from a nearby truck. A federal…

Federal safety regulations prohibit commercial truck drivers from using handheld cellphones to talk or text. This rule is intended to help cut down on the number of distraction-related truck accidents involving cellphone use. Unfortunately, a growing body of evidence suggests that hands-free devices may not be any safer than handheld cellphones when used by drivers behind the wheel. Hands-free devices…