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In some cases, it may be extremely obvious who is most at fault for a car crash. No one likes dealing with their insurance companies, and the other driver may present you with a decent amount of cash to make the incident go away. As much of a hassle as it might be to contact your insurance representative, you should avoid…

Most people have never seen a bed sore — so it’s hard to recognize what’s happening when a loved one first develops them. For the most part, human bodies are fairly resilient. However, as people age, their skin becomes a lot more fragile. When there’s friction or pressure on the skin for an extended period, the surface tissue and muscle…

Maybe it happened like this: You took your toddler over to visit your mother. Her dog has always been good with children; but during a confusing moment, it gets anxious about the child petting her too hard. The dog then bites the child seriously enough that you need to take your child to the hospital for medical attention resulting in high medical…

Would it shock you to find out that your doctor makes a mistake around one out of every 10 times he or she sees a patient? What if you found out that he or she actually made mistakes even more often? Unfortunately, doctors are statistically likely to make a mistake 15 percent of the time. Medical errors account for around…

New regulations that force truckers to submit to a sort of “electronic nanny system” that watches the number of hours that they’re on the road have truckers throughout the Ohio area furious. They point out that employees in other jobs would likely resent the regulations just as much. Under the laws, which are designed to limit the hours any given…

As you know, workers’ compensation benefits can compensate you for lost wages, medical expenses and other losses pertaining to an injury or illness that occurred on the job, but what if you suffered an injury away from work or after hours while performing duties that were job-related? Ohio workers should understand how workers’ compensation applies to off-the-clock accidents, as well as…

The average age of motorcyclists continues to increase, in part because retirees finally have the time and money to put toward a mode of transportation they have long coveted. Unfortunately, riding doesn’t come without risks; and for older riders, these risks could be devastating or catastrophic. This is due in part to the fact that the older we get, the…