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Daughter says mother’s death due to nursing home negligence

NewsNursing Home Neglect   March 22, 2015

Some elderly residents in Ohio, as elsewhere, might reach a point where they are no longer able to take adequate care of themselves and subsequently decide to enter residence in a nursing home. Unfortunately, some have claimed that nursing home negligence has brought injury, illness or, in worst case scenarios, even death to their loved ones who were living in nurse care facilities. One recent report detailed the accusations of a community activist from the west coast who claims that her mother’s death was caused by lack of care in a nursing home.

Reportedly, the woman’s 88-year-old mother was living under the care of a nursing home staff last year when she died. Attorneys representing the woman’s estate have claimed that her death was due to respiratory failure, sepsis and cardiac arrest that were all preventable had appropriate care been given. The lawsuit also alleges that the records kept with regard to the woman’s care and treatment were insufficient and inaccurate.

The 60-year-old daughter of the deceased, who is a well-known community organizer and activist in California, claimed that her mother was abused and neglected by the nursing home staff. Those speaking in her mother’s behalf have stated that the woman’s health issues were all quite manageable, and if proper care had been given, she would most likely have recovered. Reports indicate that the nursing home has a prior record of being accused of misconduct and maltreatment of patients.

Nursing home negligence is a serious issue that many adult children of elderly parents have faced throughout the nation. Ohio residents may seek the advice of experienced attorney in order to request a case evaluation if their elderly parent has been injured, made ill or died due to the negligence or misconduct of professional nursing staff. Such advice would likely prove beneficial if one is considering formal litigation.

Source:, “Fresno activist sues Clovis nursing home over mother’s death“, Pablo Lopez, March 10, 2015