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How To Spot Elderly Abuse In Nursing Homes In Ohio

NewsNursing Home Neglect   December 8, 2015

Having a loved one who is living in an Ohio nursing home or an assisted living facility is never an easy thing, especially if it is your Mother or Father. You can’t help but to think of a time when they were the only one who cared for you, provided for you and shaped you into the amazing person you have become today. You remember them as not only strong and vibrant in their younger life but you recognize the sacrifices they made to make sure you had everything you needed to be safe, secure, and happy in your life.

The sad fact is that for many who need constant care, due to medical conditions beyond your ability to provide them, there is often no choice but to choose a nursing home facility that can provide that constant care that you are not equipped to provide. It is natural to feel a sense of guilt that your medical knowledge or your financial resources and your other responsibilities to your family, job and other people in your life simply make it impossible for you to provide that care for your elderly parent or loved ones

While there are many wonderful facilities that care deeply and provide excellent care to seniors, there are unfortunately many facilities that do not. The last thing you want to believe is that this Ohio nursing home that you are trusting with the well being of one of the most important people in your life would not do their best job to make sure that they are healthy, safe and receiving the care they need. As a nursing home abuse attorney here in Ohio, I have seen far too many cases of elderly abuse in nursing homes.

There are signs if you know what to look for

What you need to know is that there are signs that your loved one is not receiving proper nursing home care and you need to know what to look for and what to do about it if you have discovered that they are not being properly looked after.

Sometimes it is a gut feeling you have and the truth is, most often, your gut feeling is probably correct. Elder abuse in nursing homes can take many forms and whether it is a case of nursing home neglect or more serious abuse that could require a nursing home lawsuit to be filed to protect your loved one, you have to observe what is happening in order to take action to protect them and change the situation.

Here are some things to be on the lookout for if have a feeling that your parent or loved is not receiving the nursing home care they deserve:

  • Poor Hygiene
  • Bed Sores
  • Disheveled appearance
  • Drastic loss of weight
  • Unusual depression
  • Increased anxiety
  • Falling

Falls Are a Big Red Flag

One of the most obvious signs of elderly abuse in nursing homes is a repeated incident of falls. This is a red flag like no other and can often result in death or contribute to a downward spiral in general health after the fall. Accidents happen but even with this more obvious type of incident, you have to look deeper into why this has happened and decide what you can do to protect your parent or loved so that it does not happen again.

Nursing Home Abuse can take many forms and it is important to know the different types of elderly abuse in nursing homes that could be occurring and how to recognize it and then learn what steps you can take to make sure your loved one does not have to suffer it.

If you are interested in learning more about how to change what you suspect is a possible nursing home abuse situation, simply click the link below and we will send you more detailed information on how to make things better for them and what you need to know to protect your parent or loved one from an abusive nursing home situation.

Knowledge is Power

Nobody deserves to be neglected or abused but when it happens in a nursing home to your elderly parent or loved one, you need to know that there are steps you can take to make the situation better for them. We want to provide you with the information you need to turn that situation into one where you know that the person who gave so much of their life to protect you is going to enjoy the best quality of life possible without fear of neglect or abuse.

Learn More

We have helped educate and represent many other Ohio residents who have found themselves in this unfortunate situation and we would be happy to send you more information to help you if this is something you suspect is happening to your loved one. Elder abuse in nursing homes has become a too common problem for many reasons we will explain but if you need more answers,

Just click this link for more information: Protecting Ohio Seniors

Howard Skolnick
Attorney at Law

For over two decades, I have zealously represented seriously injured clients in both the Ohio State and Federal Courts, litigating cases involving a variety of causes of action, such as wrongful death, birth/brain injuries, medical malpractice, nursing home negligence, product liability, motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls, bad-faith litigation against insurance companies, animal and dog bites, boating and water accidents and pedestrian accidents. I truly care and I am passionate about my clients. If you need help, it would be my honor to help you or a loved one rebuild your life and seek justice.