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Keeping children safe while playing in the winter

NewsPersonal Injury   February 1, 2017

For children, playing in the snow is a fun part of winter. As a parent or caregiver, when they head out you also want them to be safe and protected. If you’re not right there with them when they’re playing, there are things you can teach them to reduce the chance of injury.

Be Aware Of Snowplows

Understanding where it is safe to play is a good idea. For example, kids should stay away from the edges of roads, because snowplows can come by and bury them with the snow that’s being pushed out of the streets. The snow piles in parking lots aren’t good places to play either. They may look like fun because of their size, but they got there from snowplows, and that means the plows may push more snow onto them at any time.

Snowplows aren’t the only concern.

The piles of snow can also shift and collapse, and if children want to dig tunnels and build forts, they should always have one person on the outside who can go for help if something collapses. In addition, it is possible that something other than snow was caught by the plow. If it’s sharp it could lead to a serious injury.

Checking in Often is Important

Hypothermia, frostbite, and other problems can be very serious, and they can happen quickly when it’s extremely cold outside. With that in mind, make sure your children play close to home, in the yard if possible, and check on them frequently. That can help protect your children during winter playtime, and can give you peace of mind, as well.