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Some would say Jahi McMath is dead; her family insists that she’s alive. And now McMath’s family is taking their case to federal court to have her death certificate overturned. At issue is the question of whether brain death equals final death. McMath’s family doesn’t believe so. The McMath’s are Christians who believe that life endures as long as the…

Depending on the nature of the photos, taking pictures of residents without their knowledge — particularly when those photos get shared on social media– could be considered exploitation. In some cases, nursing home workers who have photographed residents and shared the photos online have faced criminal charges. Part of the issue is about privacy. Taking a picture of someone without…

If you get hurt on the job, workers’ compensation is supposed to provide the resources you need to pay your medical bills and other expenses associated with the injury. But now some large companies are pushing for legislation that would allow them to opt out of the workers’ compensation system entirely. According to an article in ProPublica, Walmart and Lowe’s…

If an OB/GYN provides negligent care that results in a mother or baby being injured, parents have the option to sue for medical malpractice. But what about birth injuries that take place in the context of home births under the care of a midwife? Unfortunately, in Ohio, parents in this situation may be out of luck. That’s because in Ohio,…

Lawrence Schlachter was a brain surgeon until a hand injury sent him on a new path: medical malpractice lawyer. His book, “Malpractice”, provides an insider’s account of how the culture of medicine is failing patients by encouraging doctors to circle the wagons and protect each other in the face of medical error. He argues that patients are the ones who…

It’s devastating to learn that a loved one has been abused or neglected in a nursing home setting. But now imagine that when you try to sue the nursing home, you’re told you can’t because you signed a contract that included an arbitration clause. This may sound like a grievous injustice but it’s happening According to an investigation by The…

Cerebral palsy is a condition that arises from a brain injury acquired at an early age, sometimes when a baby suffers a lack of oxygen to the brain known as hypoxia. In some cases, hypoxia happens because of medical negligence during the birthing process, and may result in a medical malpractice lawsuit. Cerebral palsy can cause a spectrum of motor…

If you’re injured on the job and your workers’ compensation claim is accepted, this means your employer’s insurance will pay for medical treatments that have been approved by a physician. This likely will include standard Western medical diagnostic tests, and treatments including prescription medications. But what if you’re someone who prefers alternative medical therapies? If you’re allowed to choose your…