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Medical negligence can cause hypoxia

When a baby fails to receive adequate oxygen during (or even before) the birthing process, this is known as hypoxia, and it can have devastating and permanent health effects, including brain damage and cerebral palsy.

There are a number of conditions and situations that can lead to hypoxia, including infection, shoulder dystocia (when the baby’s shoulder gets stuck during birth, preventing smooth passage through the birth canal), heart problems, umbilical cord damage and a condition called placental insufficiency. Hypoxia is a condition whose effects can be prevented if detected and treated appropriately and swiftly. But where medical professionals fail to identify hypoxia or treat it effectively once detected, that failure could constitute medical negligence, and a lawsuit may be justified.

When a baby is deprived of oxygen for an extended period of time, this can cause severe disabilities that require extensive and lifelong care. These expenses can quickly become overwhelming for caregivers. Therefore, in cases where hypoxia occurred as a result of medical negligence, a lawsuit may not only be appropriate, but also necessary to yield essential financial relief.

While few people relish the idea of suing their doctors, people who find themselves in this situation must be realistic about the financial reality they now face, which might not have been the case had medical professionals acted appropriately. These cases can be complicated and require a lawyer with experience thoroughly investigating the events leading up to the birth injury. A successful lawsuit can yield much-needed financial relief for individuals or families who would otherwise face years or even a lifetime of costly medical treatments and care arrangements.