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Nursing home abuse can be harrowing for Ohio residents

NewsNursing Home Neglect   February 19, 2015

Being unable to care for an elderly loved one can often leave Ohio family members feeling helpless. Unfortunately, without the proper training or equipment some families are not able to provide the care that some individuals need. As a result, older family members are often admitted to nursing homes in the hopes that the proper care will be administered, but sadly, abuse sometimes takes place.

A case regarding nursing home neglect and abuse recently came to a verdict in another state. It was reported that three sisters pursued the lawsuit after they set up a camera in their mother’s room at a nursing facility. The video showed two staff members abusing the elderly woman by putting latex gloves into her mouth and knocking her head.

The owners of the facility were found negligent by a jury, and as a result, the woman’s daughters were awarded $1.2 million dollars on behalf of their now deceased mother. One of the staff members involved in the incident was also charged and convicted for abuse. There is a warrant for the other employee’s arrest, but at the time of the trial, she had not yet been taken into custody.

Finding out that a loved one is suffering abuse can be harrowing for a family, especially when the abuse is coming from someone who should be providing care. As this case shows, it may be necessary for loved ones to take legal action if they believe that their family member has been neglected or abused while in a nursing home. If Ohio residents feel that they have cause to pursue such a lawsuit, information on filing a claim may be helpful.

Source:, “Oklahoma City nursing home found guilty of negligence“, Kristen Shanahan, Feb. 13, 2015