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Preterm Birth Rate in Ohio: What the Data Tells Us

News   July 23, 2024

According to the March of Dimes in their article “2023 MARCH OF DIMES REPORT CARD FOR OHIO,” the preterm birth rate for the state of Ohio has continued to increase, a trend since 2021. Understanding the data presented presents a fuller picture of infant and maternal health in the state and country as a whole.

“Detailed analyses of these measures inform the development of policies and programs that move us towards improving health for birthing people and the millions of babies born each year in the U.S., D.C. and Puerto Rico,” the March of Dimes said.

Click here to learn more about Skolnick Weiser Law Firm’s Birth Injury capabilities or here to read the full article.
Article with all rights reserved, courtesy of the March of Dimes —-