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Selecting an Ohio nursing home? What you should know.

NewsNursing Home Neglect   April 4, 2017

Throughout the state of Ohio people rely on nursing homes to provide loved ones the care they cannot provide themselves. Unfortunately not all of these facilities provide the expected level of care. Sometimes the action, or lack thereof, taken by employees endangers the lives of residents. In the worst cases they could result in death. Statistics and ratings provide information on how Ohio nursing homes are doing.

Those seeking to find a nursing home may be shocked to learn that overall in Ohio, according to federal statistics, residents of these homes receive some of the lowest quality of care in the nation. Other upsetting facts include that the aides that work in the facilities issues with the care the residents received, half of other states such as California. In addition, according to an article recently published in the Plain Dealer, titled “Ohio nursing homes among the nation’s lowest rated in quality of care: A Critical Choice,” over the course of the last three years, a minimum of 31 deaths in Ohio nursing homes involved issues with the care the residents received.

While many may be tempted to rely upon rating systems to select a nursing home, they may be disappointed by what they learn. According to ratings provided by Nursing Home Compare, while the national average of nursing homes rating is 46 percent, in Ohio, only 40 percent of the homes in the state are above standards.

There are steps that can be taken to make sure the nursing home you select is a good one. First, make visits to the nursing home-both scheduled as well as unscheduled. While there, ask questions and be observant. In particular, pay attention to how staff and residents interact.

When a loved one is injured as a result of the care he or she receives at a nursing home, it is important to understand your options. Working with a lawyer who understands cases of this nature is a good place to start.