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Talk to a lawyer before an insurance agent after a car crash

Car AccidentsNews   September 21, 2017

Car accidents are highly prevalent, and even if you are a good driver, you never know what may happen on the road. The Ohio Department of Public Health found that in 2016, approximately 77,000 people in the state suffered injuries in vehicle collisions. Even more collisions occurred that only caused damage to property.

One of the first things you should do after a car accident is contact your insurance company. You do not have to tell your agent a lot, but you should inform her or him an accident took place that will require processing. However, many people are unsure what to do when the other driver’s insurance agency calls them. It may seem simple enough to tell another agent what happened, but it is preferable to talk to an attorney first, especially if it seems as though the incident may go to court.

Many times, the other agency will call shortly after the crash

There is a lot to take care of following a collision. Even if you seem all right, you need to go see a doctor to make sure there is not any internal damage. However, before you can get a full diagnosis, it is possible you will hear from the other driver’s insurance company. The problem with this is that the other agent may try to get you to admit to something you do not have all the facts on. Even if you say something innocuous, such as, “I feel fine,” the other company could use that as evidence your injuries were not too severe.

A lawyer’s responsibilities

All you need to do when the other driver’s insurance agent calls you is to say you need to speak with your attorney first. Your lawyer should actually be the one contacting the insurance agency to sort everything out. You definitely need an attorney if you, your passengers or people in the other car sustained injuries.