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The purpose of the initial consultation with your attorney

News   June 30, 2017

If you’re thinking about retaining an attorney, the first thing you have to do is have an initial consultation. In order to make the most of your time, it’s important to understand the purpose of the initial consultation and what you should bring with you.

What purpose does the initial consultation serve?

The initial consultation has four basic purposes:

1. It lets the attorney get an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of your case.

2. It allows the attorney to understand whether or not he or she is the right attorney to represent your case. Some areas of the law are so complex that attorneys often only handle certain types of cases, and it’s important to find one with experience that matches your situation.

3. It allows you and the attorney to size each other up and decide if you want to work together. If your personalities conflict, find another attorney.

4. It gives the attorney the time to explain how representation will work, what it will ultimately cost and how things will proceed if you decide to hire him or her.

How can you make the most out of a consultation?

Start by writing down a short history of your work accident. Include as much detail as you think could be relevant to your case:

1. How long have you been employed by that company?

2. How and when did the accident take place, and when did you notify your employer?

3. Were there witnesses to your accident? Who are they?

4. When and where did you first seek treatment?

5. What benefits have you already received from your employer?

Be prepared to explain why you are seeking legal representation. For example, if you feel that you should be entitled to permanent partial disability instead of temporary disability, explain your position to your attorney so that he or she understands the problem.

Once you’ve decided that the attorney is the right one for you, expect followup meetings or phone calls. Their frequency may vary depending on the complexity of your case and the attorney’s style of communication.

If you’ve been injured in a work-related accident and are having trouble collecting the compensation you deserve, a workers’ compensation attorney can provide advice. For more information on how our firm might be able to meet your needs, please visit our web pages.