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The types and rates of worker’s comp in Ohio, part one

NewsPersonal Injury   August 11, 2017

If you suffered an injury on the job, you may receive payment for medical bills, time off and more through your worker’s compensation benefits. In order to receive such benefits, you must file a worker’s comp claim. Seeing as this serves as the catalyst, you want to make sure that you complete the process properly.

There are a few things you should know about worker’s compensation benefits in general. In this first article, you can learn about the different types of worker’s comp available in Ohio. The Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation governs these compensation types and payments.

Permanent total disability

If an employee is unable to return to work in any capacity, with any job, permanent total disability may apply. The employee must try rehabilitation, and if it is possible to sharpen or develop a new set of skills, the individual must do so. Otherwise, the individual receives this form of disability payment for the duration of his or her life.

Temporary total disability

In the case that an employee is unable to perform any work during the rehabilitation process, it may be possible to obtain temporary total disability. However, since it is temporary, the compensation is only until the individual reaches his or her maximum level of medical improvement. At that time, there is an expectation that the individual will return to work.

Permanent partial disability

For employees who receive injuries or disease that will affect them for the rest of their lives, they may receive permanent partial disability. As the name indicates, this compensation type is a partial award for the rest of their life.

Additional compensation

Along with the main worker’s compensation types, there are additional payment options available, including:

  •          Scheduled losses
  •          Wage loss compensation
  •          Living maintenance benefits
  •          Disabled worker relief fund

Depending on your situation and the stipulations of your rehabilitation process, you can qualify for these payments and more. If you are filing for worker’s compensation, take some time to review your possible choices.