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The types and rates of worker’s comp in Ohio, part two

NewsPersonal Injury   August 12, 2017

Worker’s compensation exists to assist those workers injured on the job. At a time when those individuals are unable to assist themselves, having such payments coming in can be crucial. The last article detailed the types of worker’s compensation. Some may wonder how much can an individual receive.

Once an employee files a worker’s compensation claim, the determination process begins and includes a few different factors. If you or a loved one is going through the process, it is important to understand how it works.


In the state of Ohio, the Bureau of Workers Compensation handles workers compensation claims throughout the entire process. Individuals are able to access the website, create an account and file claim documents, as well as check on their claim status and payment amounts.

Compensation rate

The BWC sets the annual maximum amount of compensation benefits payable. The organization uses this amount to determine how much to distribute in wages for the various claims. There are two types of formulas for the calculation of the wage rate:

  •        Average weekly wage
  •        Full weekly wage

The BWC uses the average weekly wage rate for most calculations. With this calculation, they divide the sum of the individual’s earnings in the last calendar year by 52. When calculating the rate for temporary total disability, the BWC uses the full weekly wage. This is a calculation of either the actual earnings of the last week before injury or the average of the last six weeks before the injury. Individuals receive 72 percent of this amount for the first 12 weeks of disability.

If you are considering a worker’s compensation claim, it is important that you fully understand what you are facing. Between this article and its counterpart, you can gain a good grasp of what is available to you and the BWC calculates it. It may also be beneficial to discuss your options with a knowledgeable attorney.