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What types of injuries are common after motorcycle crashes?

Car AccidentsNews   January 4, 2019

Getting out for a ride on your motorcycle can be a great way to explore the beautiful state of Ohio, but it can also be an extremely dangerous way to get from one place to another. Why? Even if you consistently wear a helmet every time you get out on your bike and are always sure to follow the rules of the road, you still have to worry about motor vehicle drivers who may not be so careful.

In some cases, you face injury risks on your motorcycle simply because drivers can have a harder time seeing you, but other factors, such as substance abuse and speed, can also place you in danger when you take a ride on your bike. When cars and motorcycles collide, motorcyclists frequently find themselves on the losing end, and many motorcyclists suffer similar injuries after accidents. Just what types of injuries are common following motorcycle crashes?

Head and brain injuries

Head and brain injuries are common after motorcycle crashes, and this is particularly true in accidents where motorcyclists are not wearing protective headgear. While Ohio does not currently mandate that all motorcycle riders wear helmets, doing so is still undeniably in your best interests, and it can ultimately even mean the difference between life and death.

Bone fractures

Bone fractures, too, are common injuries suffered by today’s motorcycle riders, and often, they occur after a motorcycle topples over on top of a rider. Broken legs, specifically, are a substantial risk, as your motorcycle has the capacity to pin your leg underneath it in an accident. You may also suffer broken arms or wrists in an accident, particularly if you use your arms in an attempt to break a fall.

Because you cannot count on others who share the road with you to drive carefully and make efforts to avoid you and your bike, it is wise to always wear a helmet and other gear that makes you easily visible after dark.