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Work in construction? Beware of these 3 dangers

NewsPersonal Injury   December 11, 2017

Do you work in construction?

If so, your best defense against accidental injuries is knowing the biggest risks you face. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says that these are some of the top risks that you face every day:

1. Falls

Year after year, falls are the number one cause of construction deaths.

The best way to protect yourself is to refuse to work in areas where fall protections haven’t been put in place yet. You should never be off the ground level without your safety equipment and you should always familiarize yourself with the work area to avoid slips — even a fall from your feet to the ground can cause major damage.

2. Scaffolding

The odds are high — 65 percent — that you spend some of your time on a scaffold at work.

In order to be as safe as possible, keep in mind that you should never climb a scaffold that isn’t leveled, locked and free of debris. Don’t climb a scaffold during high winds and get down if it starts to rain, sleet or snow. In addition, take a careful look around and make certain that you’re a good 10 feet from any power lines. Protect yourself by wearing your personal safety equipment — your vest, anchoring system and hardhat should be on even if you’re only going up for a couple of minutes.

Protect others by making sure that you don’t leave any of your tools or supplies on the scaffold during breaks or in between shifts.

3. Electrocution

Electrocutions don’t just happen when scaffolding is too close to phone or cable wires. For example, electric shock was actually the second biggest cause of death for construction workers in 2014.

The most common reasons behind electrocutions include things as simple as using the wrong extension cord with a power tool, attempting electrical wiring without the proper grounding, cuts and frays in cords and accidents with things like arc welders. The best way to protect yourself from these kinds of dangers is simple awareness. The more conscious you are of your risk, the safer you can be.

Despite all your efforts, you may still end up injured on the job. If you are, workers’ compensation is designed to help replace your income and provide for your medical care while you recover.

Source:, “10 Construction Site Safety Tips,” Kendall Jones, accessed Nov. 29, 2017