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You deserve a safe work environment at all times

NewsPersonal Injury   October 22, 2016

Protecting yourself from unsafe working conditions can keep you safe when you would otherwise be at risk. Under both state and federal laws, your employer must provide you with a safe place to work. If there are violations in the workplace, then you can report those hazardous conditions or safety violations to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In some cases, you can even refuse to work until the situation is corrected.

There are two different things you need to be familiar with as an employee. First, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which is a federal statute that requires employers to create workplaces free from dangerous safety and health conditions, is there to tell employers what to do. Second, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration was established to enforce OSHA requirements.

OSHA is there to protect workers against recognized hazards that could lead to serious injury or death, illnesses caused by unsafe conditions in the workplace and one-time injuries as a result of hazards or other conditions. Employers are required to meet the safety standards set by the government; they should eliminate health and safety hazards in the workplace, post an OSHA job safety notice where it’s visible to employees, provide solid safety training and record any exposure to hazardous materials, injuries that took place on the job or workplace deaths.

Our website has more information on workplace accidents and how to get the compensation you deserve. Your employer should be taking steps to prevent accidents from taking place; if he or she isn’t, then workers’ compensation may not be the only option for compensation you have.