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A lot of drivers are nervous about sharing the highway with a big rig — and not without good reason! Any accident with a large truck is potentially lethal. There are some things you can do to make it easier on yourself when you’re traveling down a road with a large truck. Understand why large trucks are so dangerous. The…

Car accidents happen every day in the state of Ohio and cause injuries, property damage and sometimes even death. Of accidents that include fatalities, many involve motorcycles. According to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, 157 motorcyclists were killed in accidents in 2017. How can motorcyclists stay safe on the road and prevent such tragic accidents from taking place? Many of these accidents are…

Moving a parent or other loved one into a nursing home is often emotionally difficult — and the problems that many nursing homes have with substandard care and inadequate staffing don’t make it any easier. In order to make sure that your loved one is in a nursing home where he or she will be happy and healthy, the most…

It’s estimated that, at most, only two percent of all workers’ compensation claims involve some kind of fraud. However, insurance companies often view every claim as if it is potentially suspicious. Workers can protect themselves from unnecessary scrutiny by knowing the signs that insurance investigators believe indicate fraud and knowing what to do instead. 1. Report your injury immediately. A…

Medication errors are a common problem, whether you end up taking the wrong drug or too much of the right drug. Unfortunately, you can’t afford to relax your guard against medication errors even when you’re in the hospital. To guard against dangerous or fatal drug errors, take a proactive approach. The following suggestions can help you avoid many potential medication…

A normal pregnancy lasts about 38 to 40 weeks — when it’s full term. In some cases, however, a baby may be born too soon — and that may result in physical and cognitive challenges that last well into adulthood. A premature delivery is any birth that occurs prior to 37 weeks of gestation. The earlier the birth, the more…

From what you ride to what you wear, safety is of prime importance when you take your motorcycle for a spin. Here are five of the latest innovations designed to give you a safer, more enjoyable ride. 1. Airbags as wearing apparel Airbags have become standard equipment on vehicles, and it is estimated that they save over 2,000 lives a…