Personal Injury

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Being bitten by a dog can be serious for anyone, particularly children. Since children are smaller they may suffer more damage from a dog bite than an adult. There have even been cases where children have died following a dog attack. The best way to avoid being bitten is to stay away from dogs, but that’s not realistic for many…

Workers’ compensation is not the same as disability benefits. Although both programs cover you financially after an injury, they have some major differences that you need to understand. What is workers’ compensation? Workers’ compensation is compensation you receive after you get hurt at work. Under most state laws, if you get hurt at work, your employer’s insurance must cover your…

Though perhaps hard to imagine several years ago, today, social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are a main form of communication for many. Few people who use the internet have not opened a social media account. A report from the Pew Research Center, found 74 percent of adults who are online have such accounts. That report was…

If you work in recycling, you’re exposed to many kinds of items every day. Plastics, foods, and other items come through your facility. You may touch them or be exposed to fumes or dusts, all of which could lead to workplace illnesses or injuries. In the United States, there are around 21,000 workers who process recycled goods after collection. Sorting…

If you get hurt on the job, workers’ compensation is supposed to provide the resources you need to pay your medical bills and other expenses associated with the injury. But now some large companies are pushing for legislation that would allow them to opt out of the workers’ compensation system entirely. According to an article in ProPublica, Walmart and Lowe’s…

If you’re injured on the job and your workers’ compensation claim is accepted, this means your employer’s insurance will pay for medical treatments that have been approved by a physician. This likely will include standard Western medical diagnostic tests, and treatments including prescription medications. But what if you’re someone who prefers alternative medical therapies? If you’re allowed to choose your…

One of the most common questions I am asked about Ohio Worker’s Compensation Claims, is whether or not a person filing an Ohio workers’ compensation claim can include a claim of emotional distress such as anxiety, depression or PTSD? The facts of every case are different but as a general rule of thumb, it will count toward damages only if…

The construction industry is comprised of many jobs that pose a certain amount of risk and danger to workers. When an Ohio employee is injured in a work-related accident, he or she is typically able to file a compensation claim for benefits that can help pay medical bills and replace lost wages. In situations where a worker does not survive…

Workers in Ohio and elsewhere typically understand that every job contains a certain amount of risk to personal health and safety. Some jobs present a much higher risk than others. Aside from any potential risk that would be considered naturally present according to the duties of the job at hand, a worker sometimes suffers injury due to hazardous working conditions…