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Few medical mistakes are as scary as the ones that involve surgery. Surgical errors are devastating events that one would hope would never occur. When a doctor makes a mistake during surgery, it is generally a sign there are serious safety issues. There are plenty of different types of surgical mistakes and the same goes for what causes them. Below…

Patient abandonment occurs any time your doctor abruptly discontinues your care and leaves you without available time or resources to find suitable replacement care. It’s a serious form of medical malpractice. It doesn’t matter if your relationship with the doctor was long-standing, like with a primary care physician you’ve had for years, or recent — even sudden, like with an…

Dash cams have steadily grown in prevalence over the years. They can be extremely valuable, and they can do a lot more than simply recording cool meteors that fly through the air. Motor vehicle accidents are outstandingly common. They happen every day in Ohio, and the process of submitting an insurance claim and potentially taking the other driver to court can be…

If you’re pregnant, the odds are good that someone has told you a delivery-room horror story or two already. However, the person who really should be giving you the scary details of your potential experience may not even say a word. It’s your doctor. There’s a pervasive idea that women somehow should be shielded from the potential harsh realities of…

When you hear the term “distracted driving,” you probably think about people using their cellphones to send or receive text messages. While texting is still a serious problem on our roadways, it is not the only distraction that leads to crashes. There are three major types of distraction – manual, visual and cognitive – and multi-tasking behind the wheel often…

An accident with a 18-wheeler is a terrifying experience — one that nobody ever should have to go through. Sometimes, they’re unavoidable. A piece of machinery breaks or a perfectly decent-looking tire blows out on the road. However, 44 percent of truck accidents involve either prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Why would legal medication be involved in so many accidents? The…

All drivers learn that if they become part of a collision of any severity, they need to pull off to the side of the road to deal with it. Unfortunately, many drivers still engage in hit-and-runs, and you need to file a claim immediately if you ever become involved in one. Hit-and-runs are significantly more dangerous if you are a pedestrian. You…