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Independent contractors are not employed by an employer. Instead, they are contracted in for a specific contract period. In most cases, they are not eligible for workers’ compensation if they are hurt on the job. Don’t automatically assume you won’t qualify for any benefits, though, because there could be a case in which you’re misclassified as an independent contractor when…

Many women suffer an injury during childbirth. It’s simply impossible to proceed  through childbirth without some stress on the body. The pelvis is at risk for a fracture, or the pelvic floor might lose its strength. Most women know that some recovery time is expected, but how much is too much? In one woman’s situation, she thought that something was…

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited a manufacturer in Ohio after the workers there were exposed to hazards despite falls and machine hazards that had been previously identified by the OSHA. According to news from Jan. 17, 2017, the business, SanCasT Inc., has been issued three repeated and four serious safety violations. Together, these violations resulted in proposed…

If you need to place a loved one in a nursing home, you want to make sure that he or she has all the protections needed. The last thing you ever want to find out is that your loved one fell because of negligence or poor treatment. In nearly 50 percent of Ohio nursing homes, residents fall at least once…

It may not be surprising to you that worker and customers are involved in accidents with forklifts every year, but what may be surprising is that around 97,000 people are injured in these incidents each year. The accidents happen in warehouses and stores; all places where safety precautions should prevent injuries like these from occurring. One story reported in the…

Being involved in a car accident caused by another person can immediately put you on edge, causing you to think emotionally rather than logically. Unfortunately, acting based on emotion can end up costing you in the long run. There are several critical steps to take at the motor vehicle accident scene to protect your best interests. First Steps If you…

While it is fair to say that there are safety risks at every job some are more dangerous than others. If you work in a warehouse you should be aware of the injuries that are the most common and what you can do to try to avoid them. The first thing you should do is to make sure you are…

For children, playing in the snow is a fun part of winter. As a parent or caregiver, when they head out you also want them to be safe and protected. If you’re not right there with them when they’re playing, there are things you can teach them to reduce the chance of injury. Be Aware Of Snowplows Understanding where it…