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The death of a mother is a horrible situation; the newborn child has no time to grow with a mother’s care, and the father or family involved is left to care for a new child as well as mourning their loss. When medical malpractice is the cause of a death, it’s possible to receive compensation for that malpractice. Family members…

Though perhaps hard to imagine several years ago, today, social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are a main form of communication for many. Few people who use the internet have not opened a social media account. A report from the Pew Research Center, found 74 percent of adults who are online have such accounts. That report was…

Birth asphyxia is a problem that can occur during birth, while the child is in the womb or when the child is being delivered. Basically speaking, it means the baby is not getting enough oxygen to his or her brain and other vital organs. When this happens before, during or after birth, it’s possible that the child can suffer temporary…

Infections are commonplace in hospitals, but they shouldn’t be. With the right care and preventative measures, your environment should be as sterile as possible, preventing you from suffering from secondary conditions. Even visitors and doctors in the hospital setting can be exposed to these sometimes life-threatening infections, which is why it’s so important to prevent them. Over a million infections…

Death is inevitably a part of life. Most hope that when the time comes the end will be peaceful and follow a long, good life. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. At times, a life could be cut short by the negligent actions of others. It is possible those actions could even be at the hands of people who…

Many years ago, the damage that could be caused by asbestos was not understood. Today, it’s much more clear that this material can cause serious health conditions. Workers who were exposed to asbestos in the past may have become seriously ill because of that exposure. Usually, when someone is hurt at work or dies from a workplace injury, the family…

Are falls in nursing homes really that common? Unfortunately, yes. Older adults can be unsteady, and they rely on the nursing care at the facility to support them and make sure they have what they need to get around the facility safely. Every year, around 100 to 200 falls take place in an average nursing home with 100 beds. Many…

If you work in recycling, you’re exposed to many kinds of items every day. Plastics, foods, and other items come through your facility. You may touch them or be exposed to fumes or dusts, all of which could lead to workplace illnesses or injuries. In the United States, there are around 21,000 workers who process recycled goods after collection. Sorting…

Many truck accidents happen when a truck attempts a right-hand turn. If a truck driver fails to see you as he or she is making a right-hand turn, you could end up with devastating injuries as well as a totaled car. Knowing what a truck needs to do in order to make a right-hand turn, however, can help you avoid…