Car Accidents

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If you’ve spent much time on the nation’s highways, you’ve probably seen a truck or two that’s given you cause for concern. If you see a half-asleep trucker weaving along or another with one hand on the wheel and the other on a phone, what should you do? Here are the steps to take: 1. First, put some distance between…

The driver of a truck that was hauling a full-sized boat is alleged to have caused a chain reaction crash in, Ohio, on July 22, 2017. His truck ultimately crashed into and severely injured a food truck worker. According to witness statements taken by the Ohio Highway Patrol, the driver of the Ford F-350 truck was seen driving in the…

As a pedestrian, you are more vulnerable to harm from a vehicular accident. If you or a loved one has fallen victim to the negligence of a driver, you may have a case to recover damages for the incident. Before you seek this type of car accident claim, you should consider a few factors. To make your case properly, there…

Whether you’re in a car or a truck, hydroplaning is a terrifying experience because you are unable to control your vehicle for however long it occurs — and even a few seconds at high speeds can spell disaster on the roadways. Hydroplaning can occur even in relatively small amounts of water — it just has to be more water than…

Summer is here, bringing sunshine and outdoor celebrations. Yet with it also comes hazards for those on the road. It may not seem like summer would be dangerous, but according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, more accidents occur during the summer months than during the winter ones. However, drivers are not the only ones who have to worry.…

Could a simple alteration to the average semi change the odds of survival for the occupants of a car when the semi and the car collide? Thanks to innovations and design, regulations by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and oversight by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), passenger cars have become safer than ever. Most passenger vehicles…

No doubt you have heard stories about people whose social media posts came back to hurt them. For example, maybe a friend of yours works in hiring and routinely does not call in people for interviews if their social media profiles show them regularly partying or using drugs. Social media can also be harmful if you were in a car…

Ohio car accident victims generally know that they can file a lawsuit to recover for losses that result from their injuries. Some may have questions about the availability of punitive damages, especially when they feel the other driver was not just at fault but really behaved very badly. Judges or juries may award punitive damages in some motor vehicle accident…

There are always risks for pedestrians, because getting hit by a car can cause serious injuries or even death. However, the risks are increasing in today’s tech-oriented society. While smartphones aren’t to blame for everything bad that happens to pedestrians, they are playing a role in more and more accidents. People who are talking on their phones, texting behind the…