Car Accidents

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While motor vehicles are a part of life for many in the state of Ohio, their use can also result in serious injuries and even death. During the year 2016 there were 1,132 traffic-related fatalities in Ohio. Fatality Statistics One positive statistic related to traffic deaths in Ohio involves the use of seatbelts. Fatalities of unbelted drivers and/or passengers decreased…

Being involved in a car accident caused by another person can immediately put you on edge, causing you to think emotionally rather than logically. Unfortunately, acting based on emotion can end up costing you in the long run. There are several critical steps to take at the motor vehicle accident scene to protect your best interests. First Steps If you…

Trucking in the winter can be dangerous, especially with heavier winds, rain, ice and snow. Driving a tractor-trailer in severe weather requires special skills that not all truck drivers have, which is why it’s important for them to learn before they take on that kind of route or work in poor weather conditions. Both good skid control skills and maneuvering…

It’s dangerous on the roads, particularly when there are large vehicles around you with poor visibility. Truck accidents are commonplace on highways, even though there are safety regulations to help reduce and eliminate them. It’s an unfortunate fact that some drivers don’t pay attention. Others fall asleep or drive recklessly while they’re behind the wheel. In this case, one person…

Driving on Ohio roads in the wintertime can be a stressful experience. Even when road crews are diligent with plowing and using ice melting products, some of the roads can still be slick and hazardous. However, there are ways you can reduce your risk of an accident if you need to drive on winter roads, starting with proper vehicle care.…

Parents make a lot of sacrifices for their children over the years. It starts shortly after a child enters their life, in the form of sleep deprivation. When their child wakes up in the night, they wake up too, but they don’t necessarily go back to sleep when their child does. Household chores, going to work, and running errands take…

As a parent, having a teen driver on your policy can make you nervous. Fortunately there are ways you can make your teen safer on the road. Taking action can help protect them as well as other drivers. There are multiple ways to do this. First, provide supervision by riding with your teen as often as possible. Make corrections when…

Older commercial truck drivers could be more dangerous on the national highways than their younger counterparts, according to a report on CBS News. The American Trucking Industry is facing a shortage of drivers, and it’s believed that around 48,000 drivers are needed just to move 70 percent of goods in the United States. With so many drivers needed, the industry…

In 2010, getting around town started to change for many people when the ride share company Uber was launched in the United States. Uber is a smart phone app that connects people who need a ride with people who are available to offer one. Uber drivers work as independent contractors, and they can choose to work or not as their…