Personal Injury

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Protecting yourself from unsafe working conditions can keep you safe when you would otherwise be at risk. Under both state and federal laws, your employer must provide you with a safe place to work. If there are violations in the workplace, then you can report those hazardous conditions or safety violations to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In some…

When looking for a job, few likely take into consideration whether they are applying to work for a franchise. While this is understandable, the reality is it could have a bearing on the benefits available to a worker. One area in which could be the case is where workers’ compensation benefits are concerned. Who Carries the Worker’s Comp Insurance For…

Unsafe working conditions put you and other workers in danger. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) protects people like yourself, giving you the ability to refuse to work when your environment can’t be made safe. OSHA requires that the workplace is free of dangerous health and safety conditions, and those conditions that can’t be eliminated have to be monitored…

When most people think about workplace injuries they likely think about a sudden accident that leaves the worker either temporarily or permanently unable to do his or her job. While such incidents do of course happen, workers could also face injuries due to repetitive exposure to certain conditions. An example of this is the loss of hearing. In fact, hearing…

If you’ve been denied the disability payments you need to get through life after an injury, it’s important you know that you still have options. When you suffer a disability that prevents you from engaging in work permanently, you are able to apply for permanent total disability. There are some particular guidelines that you will need to meet to get…

There are certain risks that people undertake in any profession. This is true whether you sit in front of a computer or work with heavy machinery. While issues of this nature can arise when workplace inside temperatures are not properly maintained, the dangers of working in extreme heat often gain attention when workers must complete tasks outside in the summer.…

Getting hurt on the job can be devastating to you and your family. You suddenly can no longer bring home an income, and you’re left with medical bills to pay. Fortunately, workers’ compensation is there to pay for your medical care and to make sure you get compensated fairly. The first thing you and your attorney need to do is…

When you head to work, you expect to be safe on the job. If you’re new at the job, you want to know that you’ve been told everything possible about how to stay safe. If you’re hurt because of your employer’s negligence or lack of safety standards, it’s important to understand your right to workers’ compensation. You shouldn’t have to…