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If you are an Ohio motorcycle enthusiast, or your teenager has begun pestering you for a bike, you should familiarize yourself with Ohio’s motorcycle laws, some of which may surprise you. For instance, did you know that while you cannot wear earplugs while riding a cycle, you also need not wear a safety helmet unless you are a novice rider under…

If your parent is in a nursing home, how can you tell the difference between an occasional minor lapse in the quality of services and a serious sign of neglect? The sad reality is that many seniors aren’t able to speak for themselves. Many suffer from dementia or ailments that impair their abilities to effectively communicate their problems. It’s important…

Trucking is a dangerous job — which means that trucking companies should do everything they can to avoid putting an unqualified or inexperienced driver behind the wheel. Unfortunately, as consumer demand for shipping increases and more truckers age out of the system, companies sometimes fail to take the necessary steps to make sure that their drivers are safe. What should…

It is safe to say that most motorists want a quiet ride. That is why electric vehicles have grown in popularity substantially over the last few years. However, many motorcyclists believe it would be best if everyone riding a bike would keep the loud exhaust system. Accidents involving motorcycles happen far more often than most people realize. Due to the lack of…

It is summertime in Ohio, and with it comes the call of the open road, easy riding and all the other things you enjoy about riding a motorcycle. While motorcycles are a lifestyle all their own, you need to keep in mind that without the proper vigilance and protective gear, you have an 80 percent chance of sustaining serious injuries or…

It’s difficult for a lot of people to speak up to a physician — even when they have a strong feeling that the doctor is making a mistake. Unfortunately, that’s the kind of issue that can prevent patients from challenging a bad diagnosis on a doctor’s part and lead to life-long consequences due to medical mistakes. For the most part,…

Riding a motorcycle is fun, but it also comes with some inherent risks. Due to the fact you have significantly less protection on a motorcycle than you do in a car, you run a higher risk of sustaining a serious injury if you are in a crash. This makes adhering to safety guidelines that much more important. It is always important to…

Workers’ compensation is supposed to be a no-hassle method of getting your medical care covered and your bills paid while you’re unable to work due to a job-related injury or illness. In fact, the program is designed to be less expensive and easier for employers as well as injured employees. Why would your employer (or your employer’s insurance company) accuse…

If you drive very much at all, you’ve probably seen the signs on the back of a lot of commercial vehicles that say something like, “How is my driving?” They’re followed by a number you can call if you have comments or concerns. It’s important for all drivers to make use of that option — and others — when they…