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Some members of the trucking industry are pushing Congress to ease back on a trucking safety law that limits the number of hours that truckers may work in any given week. That regulation, which went into effect in July 2013, sets a 70-hour cap on the workweek for truck drivers in the United States in order to prevent fatigue-related truck…

Ohio law enforcement authorities are investigating the cause of a crash that occurred earlier this month in Valley View, Ohio. The crash occurred when a car allegedly collided with four motorcycles at a red light. All seven people on board the motorcycles were hurt, and at least one suffered severe injuries including a fractured skull and bleeding on the brain.…

Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of summer, but unfortunately it is also one of the deadliest times of year in terms of traffic accidents. This is due in part to an overall increase in traffic as people travel to spend time with family and friends for the holiday. Impaired driving is another common factor in Memorial Day crashes,…