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Workers in Ohio and elsewhere typically understand that every job contains a certain amount of risk to personal health and safety. Some jobs present a much higher risk than others. Aside from any potential risk that would be considered naturally present according to the duties of the job at hand, a worker sometimes suffers injury due to hazardous working conditions…

A company based in Ohio is one of the largest health care providers in the nation. One of its facilities, located in another state, has become suspect in a nursing home negligence case. The family of an elderly woman who recently died at the ManorCare home claims that the staff’s gross negligence led to their loved one’s death. The daughter-in-law…

Choosing a nursing home for an elderly loved one can be a delicate, challenging, sometimes stressful experience. It would most likely comfort adult children if they are able to help their parent find a place where nursing home negligence is nonexistent. Some may wonder if such a place exists. In a state outside Ohio, a bill has been proposed that seeks…

Ohio Interstate 75 was the scene of a recent crash involving two vehicles. As in this case, motor vehicle accidents sometimes involve tractor-trailer trucks. A car that was also involved in the recent incident was driven by a man who is now suspected of driving drunk. The collision occurred a couple hours after midnight on a recent Wednesday. Crews were…

A recent collision occurred on an Ohio highway that involved four separate vehicles. In the aftermath of the accident, it was reported that two of the motor vehicle drivers suffered personal injury. One man, the driver of a semi-truck, was issued a citation in the incident. It was just after 8:30 a.m. on a recent Tuesday when the accident is…

Ohio roadways are busy traffic thoroughfares where, unfortunately, vehicular accidents often occur. In some circumstances, one or more travelers suffer personal injuries as a result of a collision. Depending upon the severity of a personal injury, emergency and/or long-term medical care might be required in order for an accident victim to physically heal. Commercial truck accidents often lead to serious injuries.…

Some Ohio residents find themselves in need of admission to an assisted living facility due to age and/or health conditions. Nursing home negligence has been the cause of growing concerns for some patients, as well as for the loved ones who have been instrumental in helping them find residence in a medical care facility. Legislation at the state and federal…

A tragedy was reported on Ohio Interstate 75 on a recent Saturday. Police continue to search for one of the drivers alleged to have been involved in the accident. Unfortunately, some motor vehicle accidents involve road rage, which is a suspected factor in the recent crash that resulted in a fatality. Witnesses claim that a man behind the wheel of a…