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Many Ohio mothers-to-be want to trust their medical professionals’ opinions regarding the care for their unborn child. Doctors may offer advice on nutrition, prenatal care and how the baby should be delivered. If a mother follows the instructions of a doctor regarding delivery and the baby suffers a birth injury such as developing cerebral palsy, there may be cause to…

Though workers may not anticipate an issue taking place while performing a job, unexpected accidents can occur at any time. Employers and employees should take the proper steps to do their part in lessening the likelihood of a serious work-related accident while on the job. If an accident does occur, workers’ compensation could potentially be awarded to injured workers or…

Many Ohio residents may face difficult health circumstances during their life. For some, those issues could be chronic, and an organ transplant may be the best or only option for potentially rectifying the problem. Finding a compatible organ can be a moment of insurmountable joy for a patient, and if a medical error leads to the transplant not working, the…

When employers follow safety rules to the best of their abilities, the likelihood of a fatal accident occurring on the job could potentially decrease. Though a work-related accident may not always be able to be prevented, many of those accidents can be if employers and employees have the proper knowledge of safety standards and the proper equipment to perform duties…

As some Ohio residents get older, it may no longer be conceivable for them to live on their own. As a result, they may be admitted to nursing homes or other assisted living facilities in order to hopefully receive the care and assistance that they need. Regrettably, the care in some of these facilities may be lacking, and residents can…

According to the Ohio office of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the construction industry’s primary cause of fatalities is falls. While many people may think that the distance a worker falls will determine the severity of injuries, OSHA says that many workers’ deaths have been caused by falls from heights of less than 10…

This is the time of year that we at The Skolnick Weiser Law Firm, LLC recommend that you review your automobile insurance coverage to ensure that you have enough coverage meet your needs. Also, it is important for you when purchasing your automobile insurance to make sure that you have purchased the optional uninsured and underinsured insurance coverage. The Ohio…

It is not uncommon for Ohio residents to feel apprehensive when they need to have surgery. They may worry about their reaction to administered medications or possible errors that could occur during the procedure. If a patient is pregnant, she may also worry about how her unborn child may be affected by any medical action that may be taken. If…

When parents are expecting a child, their primary concern is typically that their child is healthy. However, sometimes a child is born with a birth injury due to the negligence of a third party. A couple from a state neighboring Ohio has recently been awarded over $18 million after filing a birth injury suit. The boy was born in 2007.…