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Ohio car accident victims generally know that they can file a lawsuit to recover for losses that result from their injuries. Some may have questions about the availability of punitive damages, especially when they feel the other driver was not just at fault but really behaved very badly. Judges or juries may award punitive damages in some motor vehicle accident…

Ohio has the third most number of nursing facilities in the country, according to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, with nearly 960 in the Buckeye state in 2015, the latest year on record. What this means is that a large percentage of Ohioans are either in a nursing home or have family or loved ones in such a facility.…

Does a pre-existing condition automatically nix your claim for workers’ compensation benefits? As of 2015, there were twice as many people aged 65 or older working than there were teenage employees — which means that the United States has an increasingly mature workforce. That’s not all bad — after all, with age comes wisdom. However, age also brings a host…

Throughout the years the reasons that people file workers’ compensation claims has changed. The use of technological devices in the workplace is part of why that is the case. This not only includes jobs where people use a computer all day, but also workers who use cell phones, tablets, and other kinds of technological advances on a repeat basis. Over…

There are always risks for pedestrians, because getting hit by a car can cause serious injuries or even death. However, the risks are increasing in today’s tech-oriented society. While smartphones aren’t to blame for everything bad that happens to pedestrians, they are playing a role in more and more accidents. People who are talking on their phones, texting behind the…

Poor record keeping, including incomplete documentation, ranks among the top 10reasons that physicians get sued — and rightly so. While more and more doctors offices are moving toward computerized records that allow them to track your health history, send your prescriptions directly to the pharmacy and keep an updated list of your conditions, the electronic system is far from perfect.…

The recent trend shows that not as many lawsuits for medical malpractice are seeing success through settlements or the court system. This is not all bad news however as on the whole, those who succeed are getting larger awards than they were in the past. The reason behind the changes is likely tort reform, which focus on reducing frivolous lawsuits…