Throughout the years the reasons that people file workers’ compensation claims has changed. The use of technological devices in the workplace is part of why that is the case. This not only includes jobs where people use a computer all day, but also workers who use cell phones, tablets, and other kinds of technological advances on a repeat basis. Over…
Nursing home abuse preys on some of the most helpless members of society: the elderly. Many elderly people who are trapped in abusive nursing homes are unable to speak for themselves — and if they do speak up, they may be dismissed because of problems such as dementia. Abusers know this, and they take full advantage of the situation. So,…
There are always risks for pedestrians, because getting hit by a car can cause serious injuries or even death. However, the risks are increasing in today’s tech-oriented society. While smartphones aren’t to blame for everything bad that happens to pedestrians, they are playing a role in more and more accidents. People who are talking on their phones, texting behind the…
Poor record keeping, including incomplete documentation, ranks among the top 10reasons that physicians get sued — and rightly so. While more and more doctors offices are moving toward computerized records that allow them to track your health history, send your prescriptions directly to the pharmacy and keep an updated list of your conditions, the electronic system is far from perfect.…
Are women who select home births with the assistance of midwives being told just how dangerous the practice can be? Or, are they being given a rosy picture of a home birth, which is painted as “more natural” and inherently better for the mother and child? Home births are less likely to result in medical intervention — but those interventions…
The recent trend shows that not as many lawsuits for medical malpractice are seeing success through settlements or the court system. This is not all bad news however as on the whole, those who succeed are getting larger awards than they were in the past. The reason behind the changes is likely tort reform, which focus on reducing frivolous lawsuits…
There are many ways to reduce your risk of suffering from medical malpractice. One of the first things you can do is to make sure your physician is really listening to your concerns. If you feel that he or she is writing off what you’re saying or dismissing your concerns, you may wish to get a second opinion. Sticking with…
Those who work in the health care field serving patients should be commended and appreciated, whether they are a physician, a nurse or a nurse’s assistant. At all levels, these jobs carry risks that most don’t have to deal with. One risk that is especially worrisome for many is getting injured by sharps while on duty. What are Sharps Related…
While motor vehicles are a part of life for many in the state of Ohio, their use can also result in serious injuries and even death. During the year 2016 there were 1,132 traffic-related fatalities in Ohio. Fatality Statistics One positive statistic related to traffic deaths in Ohio involves the use of seatbelts. Fatalities of unbelted drivers and/or passengers decreased…