Car Accidents

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It’s probably not fair to say that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) isn’t doing anything to protect the average motorist from accidents with large trucks — but it definitely isn’t doing what it could be. Over the last 30 years, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has recommended at least 10 times that large vehicles be equipped with…

As the snow melts and temperatures climb, you may be itching to dust off your motorcycle and hit the road. Before you do, though, you must think about your safety and well-being. After all, fatal motorcycle crashes are common in late spring and early summer, reveals the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. With a bit of luck and some defensive…

Drivers on the Thomas Edison Memorial Bridge in Sandusky were witness to a horrific scene as high winds recently toppled a semitruck right before their eyes. On February 24, the winds sweeping across much of the state exceeded 60 miles per hour. This made the bridge spanning Sandusky Bay particularly treacherous. While the Michigan semitruck driver trying to pass over…

Perhaps you own a pickup, van or SUV. Although any kind of vehicle can flip given the right circumstances, taller, narrower vehicles are more susceptible to rollovers. A television news anchor found out just how frightening a rollover can be when he and his family were heading home from a vacation in snowy Montana. Early in 2019, the host of…

Whether you are a new or lifetime motorcyclist, it is always worthwhile to assess your riding ability and the steps you take to be safe. There are long-standing beliefs about motorcycles that many people adhere to that are either misleading or outright false. Myths about motorcycles can have deadly consequences. Holding wrong assumptions about your bike and how you should ride can…

It is only second nature to want to share significant life events on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Social media is how people stay in touch with friends and family. If you were in a serious car accident, one of the first things you may want to do is tell everyone about it over the internet. However, you and other Ohio…

The beginning of a new year means the start of new goals and positive changes for a lot of people in Ohio. The last thing anyone wants during the first month of a new year is to suffer an injury or lose a loved one in an accident, but unfortunately, drunk driving accidents are common occurrences even after the holiday festivities…

Minor accidents like rear-end collisions happen every day in Ohio, but if you are ever involved in one, would you know what to do? If you have no serious injuries, any information you can gather about the accident will be helpful when the time comes to submit a claim for insurance compensation. First calls Before you do anything else, check…