Car Accidents

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There are a lot of trucks on Ohio’s roads — which makes it a good idea to stay alert at the wheel when you’re driving. Typically, when you hear about a serious truck accident, it’s usually the truck that’s behind the issue. Trucks often have a difficult time navigating the twists and turns of Ohio’s smaller roads. A recent truck…

As a motorcyclist, you are probably well aware of the many hazards you face when you are out riding. Unfortunately, car and truck drivers are not as attentive to motorcyclists as they should be, and this can lead to serious road accidents. The state of Ohio has some programs in place to try to increase motorcyclist safety as well as raise awareness among…

Motorcycle accidents can occur anywhere. However, a larger percentage of them take place in intersections. According to data from the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, approximately 33 percent of all motorcycle accidents took place in an intersection. There are numerous factors that make intersections particularly dangerous for motorcyclists. All drivers, regardless of the vehicle they operate, need to maintain…

Motorcycles are everywhere during the summer and fall. The sunny weather may give you the perfect excuse to take your motorcycle out on the road. It is a great opportunity to enjoy the freedom of the open road. However, riding your motorcycle in the warm weather is not all fun and games. Due to the fact that there are more…

As a motorcyclist, you are aware of how important it is to stay safe on your ride, and you probably know most of the basic safety rules for motorcyclists, including wearing all the right protective gear. However, you may not be aware of the most dangerous risks you may encounter out on the roads. Here are three of the most common: 1.…

Whether you drive a truck for yourself or for a company, the ultimate responsibility for safety is on you — so it’s important to know how to spot tires that need to be replaced. Since tires are expensive, you don’t want to replace them unless it’s really necessary, but these are the signs of tires that are past their prime:…

If you are an Ohio motorcycle enthusiast, or your teenager has begun pestering you for a bike, you should familiarize yourself with Ohio’s motorcycle laws, some of which may surprise you. For instance, did you know that while you cannot wear earplugs while riding a cycle, you also need not wear a safety helmet unless you are a novice rider under…

Trucking is a dangerous job — which means that trucking companies should do everything they can to avoid putting an unqualified or inexperienced driver behind the wheel. Unfortunately, as consumer demand for shipping increases and more truckers age out of the system, companies sometimes fail to take the necessary steps to make sure that their drivers are safe. What should…

It is safe to say that most motorists want a quiet ride. That is why electric vehicles have grown in popularity substantially over the last few years. However, many motorcyclists believe it would be best if everyone riding a bike would keep the loud exhaust system. Accidents involving motorcycles happen far more often than most people realize. Due to the lack of…